MIDI Adapters

MIDI Adapters

  • MultiBox top view MultiBox left side view showing 2 DIN MIDI jacks and 2 TRS MIDI jacks


     ALLOW 3 BUSINESS DAYS BEFORE SHIPPING - WE ARE BUILDING BACKORDERS The MultiBox is designed to be a multi-purpose problem solver in MIDI systems. It can be used for any of these purposes, most of them at the same time: MIDI Thru...
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    Phantom Power Adapter - XLR6F (two inputs)

    Phantom Power Adapter - XLR6F (two inputs)

    PLEASE NOTE: This product is built to order, and may take approximately a week to build. This box allows you to phantom power the Mastermind GT. It has as inputs two standard 5-pin MIDI connectors and a DC power connector. These inputs are combined into...